In the month of November, God is rewriting your history, and He is releasing revelation to discern the weight of your words in fresh ways. Hospitality is being honored and sacredly rewarded, and we have a divine opportunity to lean in and cultivate connection.
Jesus is re-writing your story this month. He’s bringing his own light of healing to dark places in your past. Painful memories, wounds, violations and even your own mistakes are being erased and re-written right now. The revelation of Jesus is bringing truth, justice, grace, mercy and compassion to your history. The wounds that have caused you such pain, shaped your life, and prevented healing are being washed clean. He is specifically targeting wounds from childhood, and within the past three years (2014 through now). His gracious light is bringing healing to the whole person: body, soul and spirit. This process is happening behind the scenes, and you may not even discern it. The mark of your healing will be that you feel the tangible presence of God in a fresh way, and that your spirit will feel lighter - even joyfully buoyant. Look for doors that you thought were closed to suddenly and surprisingly open. Through this healing, your story will look different, and you may find yourself on a different path than you were even a week ago. Your story is not over and the best is yet to come!
Words Create Worlds
God is releasing a discernment & wisdom to understand the weight of our words. He is highlighting vows and curses that we inadvertently made, and He is partnering with us to break them. Specifically He is focusing on relationships and how we view ourselves. Patterns that have kept you stuck and felt unbreakable are being broken. The curses, vows and declarations that you’ve made may sound like:
- I will never get married.
- No man will ever hurt me again.
- My marriage will never change.
- It’s pointless. There’s no hope for this situation.
- They will never change.
- I will never lose this weight.
- If they really knew me, they wouldn’t love me.
- I won't ever get pregnant again.
There is an invitation right now to partner with Heaven’s perspective. God is removing wrong thinking (lies, untruths, false beliefs), and shining his healing light into our thoughts, minds, and hearts. There is a special grace right now to view each other and ourselves truly, as God created us. As we choose this lens, we are choosing to walk toward wholeness.
Connection, community and hospitality all delight the Lord. So often we disqualify ourselves from hosting people in our home because we think the event has to live up to some unrealistic, deluxe, Pinterest-worthy fête. Now is the time to conquer your fear. In hosting, you will be blessed as He releases favor and influence. Doors will be opened in your life that would have never opened if you hadn’t had that last minute gathering in your home (even though you didn’t vacuum). In welcoming others into our homes, we are actually cultivating an environment of generosity, and we are leaving a legacy that has the ability to transform our family line. Hebrews 13:2 tells us “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” When we are worried about what people might think of us, we are yielding to the fear of man, and thus we are robbed of the freedom of being truly known for who we are. It is a ploy of the enemy to divide, and it is stealing from us the opportunity to bond in our homes and build connection.
Lean In: Connection
Each one of us is designed to be known and loved for who we are, to live in community - to live freely and to be unapologetically ourselves. In a society that is driven by virtual connection, isolation has become commonplace, easy and even normal. When we isolate ourselves, we are robbing others of the opportunity to know us and love us completely. We can only be loved for who we are when we are vulnerable and allow ourselves to be seen. Recently I read the statement ‘I will only be vulnerable with those I trust,’ and for a moment I wondered what was wrong with it. The truth is that Jesus revealed himself and allowed himself to be vulnerably seen by the one who would betray him, Judas. Our quest should not be to find ways to keep ourselves safe, but rather, using wisdom, to cultivate ways to genuinely reveal yourself to others, and trust Jesus to heal you when you get hurt. He’s been through it before you. It is certainly easier to cut people out of our lives that hurt us, but God is inviting us to lean into the discomfort and embrace love in the process in order to pursue connection. If our primary goal is connection (and not protection), this will allow us to push through some really hard stuff with connection and covenant relationship as the reward. God honors covenant, and he loves when we pursue connection above all else.
Here are some declarations for the month of November. We love declarations because they are a powerful way to renew our mind with truth and change our thinking, making way for the abundant life that God has for us. Practice saying these throughout the month.
- Jesus is rewriting my history, and the best is yet to come!
- My words are powerful. I easily recognize lies and choose to speak truth.
- I value community and joyfully welcome others into my home.
- I fearlessly pursue connection in all my relationships, even when it’s hard.
- I value vulnerability and generously share myself with others. I’m worth knowing!
Limited Edition Monthly Prophetic Piece
This lovely necklace says, "This is a month of wholeness and healing for me in my body, soul and spirit (daisy). My thoughts and declarations are powerful and my words are creating worlds around me and within me. My history is being divinely re-written by God this month, and He is supernaturally healing old wounds and erasing mistakes. God is rewarding my hospitality (pineapple: a limited edition charm), and I have a divine opportunity to let go of self-protection and to lean in to connection with those around me."
Shop limited edition Monthly Prophetic piece here.
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