This month, love is breaking down walls and bringing healing and unity. Connection and restoration are blooming in relationships, repairing that which has been broken. An open heaven is making writing easy, and He’s giving us new eyes to view risk fearlessly.
Breakthrough Love
Love is breaking down walls -- walls that were erected to separate, disconnect, protect and hide. Abundant grace is available right now to know and receive God’s perfect and complete love for you. He wants you to experience the depth, the breadth and the height of His love for you - that He joyously delights in you because you are His, and for that reason only.He will no longer be seen as a cruel dictator keeping a long list of all your mistakes, but rather as the kind and loving Father that He is. Recognizing His love for you will free you to yield your heart to the One that has freely given you every good thing.
Performance (trying to earn His love for you) is falling away as the revelation of His love becomes truth. Believers that have known God for a long time will find themselves falling in love with Him as if for the very first time. A sweet romance is blossoming right now for those that are open to receive it. The yielded ones will see God as their Lover, and rest in the knowledge that He delights in every part of them.
Love is also transforming key relationships. Where fear, guilt, shame and condemnation have prevented connection between people, love is triumphantly breaking through. Love is always the answer, ever the way through, and love always wins. This is not the time to give up hope on those that seem to be on a self-destructive path, or believe they are abandoning their calling or destiny. Intentionally choose to love them, for your love will heal them and it will save them.
Restoration of Relationships
The definition of restoration is:
God is in the business of restoration, and I firmly believe this is one of his favorite outcomes. Specifically in the month of October, God is stirring up restoration of relationships. He is causing a healing realignment that will manifest in redemptive restoration, specifically between friends, siblings, spouses, and romantic relationships.
In some relationships, there was a break because one party became a believer and the other did not. But there’s new grace for the unbeliever to meet Jesus in a real and transformational way.
In other relationships, there was a rift because of offense or hurt, and there’s now healing waiting in your forgiveness. God is waiting to bring healing and reconnection to those that long for it. He is returning that which was lost, repairing that which was broken and reviving that which seemed dead. Keep your hope burning, and take a step towards the one that you love today.
Easy Revelation
There is an open heaven in the month of October to hear and see God in fresh new ways. He is freely dispensing revelation through dreams, and visions, and as people write. Inspired thought will be translated into revelatory writing that will ignite people’s hearts.
Favor will fall on new ideas, and they will flow in abundance. Don’t be afraid that this is the only inspiration you’ll get because we are entering into an outpouring of revelation and new dreams. There is extra-special grace for writing right now: books, screenplays, articles, and songs. There will be an increase of people writing their stories, and through them an anointing for breakthrough and transformation will be released.
Wild Adventure
Right now God is re-wiring us to look at risk in a new way. We will have eyes to see it with excitement, anticipation and giddiness instead of the fear that has held so many of us back for years. Life with God is an unparalleled adventure, and risk is the currency on that journey.
Those that choose this course, will live without regret. God rewards faith, and faith often looks like risk. This is a milestone moment for you. Where is God inviting you into an adventure that will change the course of your life? Join Him. You’ll never be the same again.
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LOVE. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It breaks down every wall and opens up even the hardest of hearts. Love will always keep chasing you down, Love never gives up on you, and Love easily and beautifully transforms hearts and lives. Remind yourself of the power of Love, and that you are worthy of Love in each moment, with this sweet and simple necklace. Get Necklace here.
Wear this necklace to remind yourself that you have been found completely WORTHY of love. You are fully delighted in, in this moment. His love for you is freely given, no strings attached. God is downloading new revelation (key) to you in this season. He is fully restoring every relationship that has been marred by shame, hurt and offense. He will open doors no man can open and give you heavenly favor (star) as you step out and take new risks (red cord), and move towards the dreams and desires in your heart. This necklace declares that 'fear will no longer hold me back and this will be a season of wild adventure and restoration for me!' Get necklace here.
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