She breathed in and experienced an overwhelming sense of life.
Her life. The life all around her. The life inside her. Everywhere, the world teemed with life. She found herself caught up in the wonder of it all.
What she was experiencing was impossible, unheard of, except in the scrolls of Isaiah, a book riddled with paradox: “And the virgin shall be with child.” And here she was. A virgin. With child.
Mary knew she should probably be afraid. And at times, she was. But mostly, she found herself overcome with wonder. Whispers of a Messiah had come and gone for hundreds of years. Now she, an ordinary, simple, unwed girl, was pregnant with promise. The promise of a people. The hope of a nation.
The virgin Mary is one of the most iconic women in all of history. She is revered and honored for her selflessness, her innocence, and her humble response to the angel Gabriel’s words: “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)
When faced with this wild encounter with an angel, Mary refused to give into fear and responded in humility and grace. Although her “yes” meant that she would be ostracized and disgraced, her response showed her heart of surrender: “May it be unto me as you have said.” She was courageous and filled with hope—her beautiful “yes” made room for the birth of the Christ-child Jesus, who is the most significant man in history, the cornerstone of the Christian faith.
Has God ever asked you to do something that seemed impossible? After receiving the news that she would bear a son, Mary's first question was, "How will this be?" Mary knew that her circumstances didn't allow for her to become pregnant naturally - instead, God was inviting her into the supernatural.
God may have asked you to do something that seems beyond your capacity, circumstance, or gifting. He may have made you a promise that is impossible to come to pass without a miracle taking place. Mary is familiar with this Heavenward dependency. In response to her question, the angel finished his explanation with the unfathomable words, "For nothing will be impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)
Your belief is all He needs to work miracles. Your faith is all He requires to do the impossible. If you have responded to Him and said, "May it be unto me as you have said," then you are in the pregnant-season of promise. He is doing the impossible in you. And just like it was said to Mary, "...blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." (Luke 1:45)
Historians believe that Mary was very young when she carried Jesus in her womb. She was unwed, from a small nation, and before this moment, extremely insignificant in the eyes of the rest of the world. However, when God looked at her, he saw a humble world-changer who was up to the task of carrying the most important gift the earth had ever received.
How have you disqualified yourself from carrying the great news of Jesus? Are there lies in your head that would silence you from sharing what He's done for you? God loves to choose the very ones that the world would call the most disqualified and raise them up as His messengers. Knowing that you have been chosen by God, in spite of all that would make you feel insignificant, is one of the first steps of walking in faith. In the eyes of your Father, you are one-of-a-kind and you have what it takes. He knew when He created you what He would call you to. Don't doubt His ability to get you there - He's an expert at qualifying the ones He has called. You too have been chosen to carry the Light of the World.
Declare these truths over yourself today to align yourself with what God says about you.- Instead of fear, I choose wonder.
- God wants to do the impossible through me.
- My "yes" will change the world.
- God qualifies me to do all He has called me to do.
- Even when it seems impossible, God will fulfill His promises to me.
- I will trust what He has said.
- Nothing is impossible with God.