“We love Him because He first loved us”
1 John 4.19
From the Beginning
Before the creation of the world, God knew you. Before you were a thought, a dream in your mother’s heart He knew the purpose for your life. Even before your mother and father were born He knew the exact moment that you would be born. You are the apple of His eye, and He delights in your quirks, idiosyncrasies and your giftings. He created you, formed you exactly as you are on purpose. You are precisely as you should be, and the world needs the purest, fullest, most vibrant expression of YOU, for there is none like you.
His pursuit of your heart began before your heart even existed. His love for you transcends time. His hope for you is never waning. His redemption for your life is perfect and complete. He adores when we choose Him, because He chose us first. He loved us first. There were two trees in the garden, and he has given us free will, so He cherishes our choice all the more. What is love without choice? Choice is the very foundation of love.
Communion with the Uncreated One is His greatest desire for us. He paid a very high cost for you and for me, that we might live with Him forever, choosing to dwell daily in His Presence, in His glory realm. As He delights and glories in the beauty of each one of us, He longs for us to delight in Him that way as well. One of the definitions of worship is: adoring reverence or regard. The sacred intimacy that He longs for with us is mutually beneficial. We become like the One that we worship, being formed and crafted into His likeness day by day when we spend time in His Presence. And He longs to give us the desires of our heart. As we become more like Him, the desires in our heart can change, and actually become more pure, bringing us more fully to our purpose and calling. As we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37.4).
The Pursuit
He is pursuing you every single day - when you feel defeated, alone and lost. He has you in the palm of His hand when you are heartbroken, questioning and sick, even when you feel stuck or you’ve made a huge mess. He is always knocking on the door of your heart, and He is standing there with a gift-wrapped package of love, joy, peace and every good thing that He intends just for YOU. You are worthy of His love because of whose you are. You are HIS. Will you say yes?
©2017 All Rights Reserved
Written by Anne E. Ballard