In the month of December, God is inviting us to sow seeds of righteousness through our prayers and actions. He is reminding us that our faith in Him releases truth into everything we do. We will discover hidden parts of our story and our family history as we become fully alive. God is using Kingdom Creatives, those connected to the Father’s heart, to reveal His true nature to the world. You are being invited to play a role in the restoration of this nation as we fight for truth, freedom, and the destiny of our land.
Seeds of Righteousness
“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 14.17
There are times in the Bible when the level of sin, evil, and corruption became so great that God was compelled to step in and put an end to it in order to cleanse the earth and allow goodness to flourish again. Imagine (picture in your mind) everything being wiped clean. Envision a paintbrush painting everything white, making everything pure and new. Imagine seeds being poured out on the ground, ready to be planted. By having faith in God, we are actively sowing seeds of righteousness. The corruption and the evil is being uprooted right now by our righteous God. We always get to choose what we will plant, and we are being given the choice to plant seeds of goodness. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke).
God is giving us an opportunity to make things right. We get the chance to start over with what we need for the future. We’re not starting over empty-handed; but rather right now He is giving us the very seeds that we need to plant. This word is for those who are disillusioned by sudden change, disappointed, or feeling scared by the slate being wiped clean. Although there is access to hope for the future, this is a transitional time and can be challenging for many. If this is for you, declare truth over your situation: God has given me more than enough and He is leading me. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1.3. When we trust in the true nature of God we release that truth everywhere we go and in everything we do. Immerse yourself in Scripture and ask Him to speak through His word. He is faithful.
Dark to Light
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Jeremiah 33.3
God is allowing us access to see into places in our heart and soul that haven’t been accessed before. Imagine dark rooms in an abandoned house with all the furniture covered up because no one has been inhabiting it. The time has come for us to start to inhabit more fully inside of ourselves. He is carefully opening up those doors and breathing life and revelation into those parts of us. Just as God said to Jacob/Israel, “I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43.1, God is calling us by name. When He calls us by our full name it allows us to start walking more completely in all that God created us to do. Throughout the story of the Israelites in the Bible, God continually told them to tell their children their story so they would not forget. They still forgot time and time again. Many people now do not know the story of their family, and their ancestors that came before them. Often the practices of our ancestors become our traditions even if we no longer understand the meaning of them.
God wants to reveal the hidden parts of our story to us: both the undiscovered parts of ourselves as well as the parts of our history that we do not know. I have a story of how God did this in my own life. My Dad passed away five years ago and my Mom has dementia, and now there are very few people alive today that can tell me the stories about them or their upbringing. Last year I was processing that with the Lord. I told him that I wanted to know the story of how they met and dated before marrying. I knew bits and pieces of it, but I also knew I had some things wrong. On my Mom’s birthday I felt to show her the Wedding album that she’d put together years ago. Although I’d read it before, I’d forgotten that in it she had hand-written six pages telling their story. Only God could’ve given me the answer my heart sought. This word is for people, like me, who have wondered about their destiny, or the story of their family, and may have felt some kind of blockage. Nothing they’ve tried seems to be able to change the blockage to the breakthrough they feel they want. Allow God to reveal to you His answers and His solutions. Try your best to lay down what you think makes sense, and really wait on God to show you the path. He knit you together and He knows how you can become fully alive.
Art of God’s Nature
“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.”
Proverbs 8.17
Hollywood is being redeemed by creatives that are connected to the heart of God. Kingdom Creatives, it’s your time to rise up! There is a call for creatives to create from the heart of the Father and establish a worldview that is founded in Scripture and the truth of who God is. What they create will glorify God, bring life, hope, freedom, and joy to the hearts of people who experience their craft. Because they will create out of the heart of the Father, the narrative of the truth of God’s nature will be released. What they produce will bring redemption and rewrite the story of who God is and what it really looks like to know God, be loved by God and love Him in return.
God is revealing His nature through the voice of His creatives and what they create. He’s trusting those who love Him to reveal Him to the world: Actors, singers, photographers, producers, directors, writers, screenwriters, musicians, wardrobe/costume designers, clothing designers, jewelry designers, artists, etc. These creatives will be in mainstream Hollywood, and not just in Christian bubbles. The values that have been eroded through the narrative and programming we’ve been subjected to, like what love looks like, how to get love, what integrity looks like, etc. will be reestablished through Kingdom work. The art that is produced will represent Biblical values while also being relevant, timely and engaging. He is going to open doors and platforms for these creatives that might have seemed impossible before. He has released the songs, the books, and the screenplays to these people and it is time for them to be released. God has ideas for his people that no one in the world has ever seen before. God has something new to release through you! Do not partner with the lie that says “I can’t do anything new.” The anointing that is on you for what you are to release will be what draws others in, and the truth of what you release will be what changes them. This word is for creatives that know and love Jesus. There’s a boldness to no longer hide or keep their love for God hidden. The season is coming where they no longer have to be covert Christians in their craft. So, be bold. Release what God has given you. Look for favor and wisdom. You are inspired by the same spirit that created the heavens and the earth.
This is Not the End
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7.14
In August, the Lord gave me a vision of an old man. I could see that this man was on death’s doorstep, as he was struggling to breathe. He was clearly fighting for his life. He looked old, tired, even beat up and like he was just about ready to give up. In my spirit I knew that this man was Uncle Sam. For those of you unfamiliar with Uncle Sam, it is a nickname for the US Federal government, drawn from an actual man, Samuel Wilson, back in 1813. In my vision, Uncle Sam represented the United States. Just as it looked like Uncle Sam was about to die, and draw his last breath, he suddenly got a second wind, and he rose, revived. I had the strong sense that Uncle Sam rising meant the world too, would rise as well.
Many people have been discouraged, even feeling hopeless that there’s no going back, but rather it’s all downhill. There is so much wisdom and HOPE in the vision of Uncle Sam coming back to life. It speaks to the history of this nation, the legacy through its people and founding fathers going back many generations. It speaks to a restoration of passion and zest for life for present and future times and people. This picture tells me not to give up too easily, but to press in and persevere when things get hard. It takes commitment to say that I’m going to do whatever it takes, instead of walking around feeling defeated or hopeless. We are not powerless. We are those people marching in the front lines declaring life and hope; not accepting that this will be our end. The sacrifice that has been paid for us to have the freedom that was won for us, so many don’t understand, care or appreciate. But our forefathers paid a high price for our freedom, and there are some that are unknowingly, ready to give it away. It is important to look back at history and value the stories of our grandparents and great-grandparents,not discounting their history, their story, and even their sacrifice. It’s dangerous to forget our history. That’s the whole reason the Israelites wandered about for forty years; they were forgetful. That’s why they built the Ebenezers and altars-so they would remember!
God is breathing vigor and resolve to fight for truth, freedom and the destiny of our land. He’s giving us another chance, and the strength to continue the journey, continue fighting to persevere. The world will survive, flourish and thrive in a way we’ve never seen before. This word is for anyone who’s been feeling weariness or hopelessness, like the world is going to hell in a handbasket. You may not know what to do or what your part to play is, but God is stirring your heart to be a part of what He’s doing. Look at history and the stories of the people that have gone before us. Draw from their stories, their strength, and their courage. Look at the stories of people in the Bible, people in your nation (our forefathers). Ask God to show you what He’s doing and what your role is.
©2020 All Rights Reserved
With prophetic insight from Bethany Hess
Written by Anne E. Ballard
At The Crowning Jewels our desire and our mission is to bring encouragement, to build others up and to bring comfort to people’s lives (1 Corinthians 14.3). As a team each month we ask the Lord what He’s doing in the coming month and for any words of encouragement he might have for people as a loving God. We realize that with a corporate prophetic word not all words are applicable to all people. If it’s prophetic it also needs to be encouraging and edifying. If our words bless you, please take hold of them and apply them in your own life. If it’s not specific to you, please pass it on to someone else who might be blessed. We do not sell prophecies; prophecy is a free gift from heaven. As a prophetic business, our mission is to bring encouragement and edification to people; our product is simply jewelry.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
December Declarations:
- I am sowing seeds of righteousness in faith.
- God is revealing hidden parts of my story to me.
- God is filling creatives with boldness to release their art to the world.
- I will fight for the restoration of our nation.
- Every spiritual blessing in Christ is mine.
Each month we design two limited edition pieces of jewelry, only available for that month, handmade with words and charms that reflect the monthly prophetic word. If this word resonates with you and you'd like to wear a reminder of its truths, click the pieces below to shop!