In the month of June, God is restoring new life to the places of your life that have experienced loss and devastation. Healthy community is highlighted, and authenticity and vulnerability are coming together to deepen your relationships and make room for new ones. Truth is being revealed to those that are hungry enough to seek it out and find it, though it may not have come through the vessels you would have expected. Watch for pieces of the puzzle that is your life-calling and purpose come together. Revelation is being released that will make it feel like God is connecting the dots.
“See, I am doing a new thing!Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43.19 (NIV)
Right now, God is bringing new life to that which has been devastated. God is reviving the life that was once in your heart, in your body, and in your land. In the face of grief, loss, and pain, He is bringing new life, restoration, and a fresh word to your heart. He is prophesying to you in the place of your pain. This new life will be noticeable because of the contrast between it and the devastation and loss. Others will notice the change because it will be undeniable; the word from the Lord will propel you through this season. The new life within you will look very different than before.
In the past, when someone died, his or her family members would wear black to mark their grieving season. Even in the Bible, grieving required physical acts like tearing clothes and wearing ashes, and was sometimes marked by a certain length of time. These physical acts brought spiritual release. These days, grief is often ignored, suppressed, and frequently misunderstood. Many of us do not know how to grieve in a healthy way. As you prepare to enter into this season of new life, allow yourself to grieve what is gone. Give yourself the time that you need, but when it is over, let it be over, so that you may fully walk into the fresh life and vitality that God is offering you. Make room in your heart this month for the new life that God is bringing. Open your eyes to see the growth and freshness that God is inviting into your life this month.
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”Romans 12.15
Everyone on the planet longs to be known and loved for who they are. Maybe you have a solid community that makes you feel known, or maybe you’re one of many who is longing to have healthy community around you but haven’t found it yet. What does community look like?
In healthy community, vulnerability is present- sharing your life in a way that makes room for input, and allowing others to speak into your life. Authenticity is present - sharing your real self whether you feel it’s put-together or not. Intentionality is present - choosing and making time for one another reciprocally. Healthy community celebrates the milestones and victories and with you in the hard times. You make room for deeper relationships when you allow others to go through dark times with you.
Are you pursuing deeper relationships that cause you to grow and examine yourself in a healthy way? Choose wisely who you surround yourself with, as you will become like those you spend time with. Ask yourself this month, are you going in the same direction as those you’re in relationship with? Do you share the same values? Do they inspire you? Sometimes new growth, new life, and inspiration come with pruning that which isn’t working anymore. What you invest into your community is what you will get out of your community. Evaluate with God the community you currently have, and process with Him any pruning that is needed. God created, established, and designed healthy community beginning in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, and the Bible outlines what it looks like. This month, watch as God charges us to do what He designed for us to do - to be the community that models His love for us by loving one another well.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter;to search out a matter is the glory of kings”
Proverbs 25.2 (NIV)
Truth is being revealed to those that are hungry enough to seek it out and find it. This month, God is releasing truth through willing vessels to those that are searching and are hungry. Many who will be revealing truth will be well-known figures, those in the media, or rising influencers. In the story of the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15.21-28), Jesus reveals that He came to give the Good News to the Jews first, but when pressed, He was moved by the Canaanite woman’s faith and ultimately healed her daughter. Her faith demonstrated that she was willing to take whatever He would give to her (even crumbs), and even though she wasn’t Jewish by birth, she was able to receive His blessing by faith.
The truth that is being revealed is coming through channels that may offend those that are blinded by their own prejudices, wounds, or preconceived thoughts of what it should look like. Expect this truth to cover topics such as relationships, mind/body healing and connection, holistic healing, technology, triune integration (soul, spirit, body connection), energy creation and management, and medical breakthroughs. The truth and information that is being released has the power to change many lives, and the status of the world. As you hear this truth, you will have peace and hope, feeling the presence of God as confirmation. The vessels that God has chosen to bring this truth into the world have been chosen for a reason. Honor the fact that God has chosen them (despite what you may think of His choice) and you will be blessed.
“Since ancient times no one has heard,no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.”
Isaiah 64.4 (NIV)
This month, expect to see some of the pieces of the puzzle that is your life-calling and purpose come together. Revelation is being released that will make it feel like God is connecting some of the dots. You will have clarity on how God is working on your behalf and many will have “ah-ha!”” moments about prophetic words you have received or parts of your past. You may be gently reminded of a time in your life that you did something (worked a job, developed a skill, participated in a certain relationship, or met someone), and from there God will speak to you about the purpose that past experience will play in your future, and even how it equipped you for where you are headed. He has been giving you clues along the way about your calling and purpose, and now is the time that they are beginning to make more sense. This is a revelatory month for your calling and purpose. Take note of the words and experiences God reminds you of, as God is revealing a part of your future. This month, God is showing His hand. Even though His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55.8-9), He loves us enough to show us what He’s doing while we stand in faith waiting for our promises.
At The Crowning Jewels our desire and our mission is to bring encouragement, to build others up and to bring comfort to people’s lives (1 Corinthians 14.3). As a team each month we ask the Lord what He’s doing in the coming month and for any words of encouragement he might have for people as a loving God. We realize that with a corporate prophetic word not all words are applicable to all people. If it’s prophetic it also needs to be encouraging and edifying. If our words bless you, please take hold of them and apply them in your own life. If it’s not specific to you, please pass it on to someone else who might be blessed. We do not sell prophecies; prophecy is a free gift from heaven. As a prophetic business, our mission is to bring encouragement and edification to people; our product is simply jewelry.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe that in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life. We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
- God is restoring what I have lost.
- I am cultivating healthy community.
- Those who hunger for God will be fed.
- God’s truth is being revealed.
- God is releasing keys about my calling and purpose.
With Prophetic Insight from Bethany Hess
Blog Written by Anne E. Ballard
Each month we design two limited edition pieces of jewelry, only available for that month, handmade with words and charms that reflect the monthly prophetic word. If June's word resonates with you and you'd like to wear a reminder of its truths, click the necklaces below to shop!