In the month of June, your mustard seed faith can move the mountain you're facing as God is aligning divine moments and divine destiny The God of more than enough is inviting you in to taste the fullness that He has to offer. This month your creative endeavors are transforming your world by bringing joy back to your heart.
“I promise you, if you have faith inside of you no bigger than the size of a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move away from here and go over there,’ and you will see it move! There is nothing you couldn’t do.”
Matthew 17.20 (The Passion Translation)
We attach our faith to things every day without realizing it. We wake up from a fitful night of sleep and decide we will be tired all day. We have a meeting we’ve been dreading and decide the outcome won’t be good before it even begins. Our body shows signs of being worn down, and we decide we will get sick. With passing thoughts, we quickly and easily make agreement with the wrong kingdom. Jesus emphasizes the power of our faith when we align with His kingdom. Our faith is just as powerful when we make agreement with fear or doubt instead.
What would happen if we were to shift our thinking to align with the God of miracles? What if you had more faith in His ability than in your own ability or circumstances? What if you shifted your thinking to align with His promises over your experience?
God is increasing your gift of faith right now. You need only agree with Him. He’s taking your mustard seed offering and transforming it into the very mountain you can move. What is it in your own life that you don’t have faith for?
- Are you struggling to believe for finances? What would shift if you heard the testimony of a friend’s house being completely paid off by a stranger?
- Are you discouraged in your relationships? What if you heard the story of a couple on the brink of divorce and how God restored their marriage to better than before? Or of a lost son who returned to God?
- Is it hard for you believe God will do what He told you He would do? Are you struggling to believe in His promises? What if you heard the story of a woman who no longer had the anatomy she needed to get pregnant, but she miraculously did, and brought a precious baby to full term? What if you knew of a couple who met and six weeks later were married, knowing in their hearts they’d met their soul mates? Or what if you knew of a testimony where God caused a friend’s biggest dreams to come true?
These are all true stories - testimonies of God’s goodness. He is in the business of transforming our circumstances into better than we could’ve dreamed. He’s stirring your faith right now. Will you make agreement with Him? He is worthy of your trust.
Kairos is one of two Greek words the Bible uses for time. Chronos means chronological or sequential time, but Kairos means a perfect, right or opportune moment (Wikipedia). It’s as if Kairos moments are divine instances orchestrated by God - alignment of a divine moment and divine destiny (Kris Vallotton).
This month we will see just such moments - opportunities and situations that couldn’t have come about if not set in motion by God himself. They might be once-in-a-lifetime chances that will be be gone if you don’t take a step. There are thin places in the atmosphere that when seized will afford you the opportunity to alter the course of your life, stepping into your divine destiny. It is important to be listening, to be sensitive to the presence of God and to be ready to move forward. Watch for major transitions to happen suddenly and without much notice: jobs, relationships, inheritances, and ownership. Some of these will seem as if they happened overnight!
“But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect - life in the fullness until you overflow!”
John 10.10b (The Passion Translation)
So often we have discounted ourselves from living the abundant life because we don’t feel qualified for that kind of blessing or we don’t really understand God is that good. So many of us live asking for just what we need, and we feel lucky when He comes through for us. God is the maker of heaven and earth, and He has limitless supplies of everything. He has the answers we seek, the wisdom we’ve been crying out for. He is the master of connection, rebirth, and restoration. Every good thing comes from Him (James 1.17). So, when our thinking aligns to His goodness, we should not be surprised by the goodness that follows in our own lives.
God is not a vending machine whom we simply use to meet all of our needs. He longs for relationship with us, as He has from the very beginning. In the Garden of Eden, in the time of Moses, and today, He continues seeking out relationship with His people. He wants to know us and be known by us. Intimacy with the Uncreated One comes when we allow him into our hearts, our minds, our souls. The end of Psalm 23 captures this well: “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Our God is not a god of ‘Just Enough.’ He doesn’t honor survival over thriving, or scarcity over plenty. He is the God of Abundance and More than Enough. I love what He told Elisha as he fed one hundred people, ‘They will eat and have some left over” (2 Kings 4.43). That is exactly what happened, just as it also happened multiple times in the gospels. He doesn’t just provide, he provides with leftovers! His kingdom is limitless, and there is always more.
What if we have not because we ask not? What if we haven’t seen abundance in our own life because we didn’t feel worthy of such goodness or we thought others were more deserving? What if today your heart aligned with the truth that God is a good father and He wants to bless you? How would your life change if you had faith for His blessing to be poured out upon your life? God’s blessings don’t run out, so it doesn’t matter if there are others in need- He still also wants to bless YOU!
“Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life,
And He will provide for you what you desire the most.”
Psalm 37.4 (The Passion Translation)
This month is a time for returning to the JOY of creative endeavors you love. It may be something that from the outside seems to serve no purpose. It may be something you enjoy, but are not yet skilled in. Painting, writing, singing, dancing, playing music, writing music, writing poetry, arranging flowers, or gardening. God wants to meet you in this creative space simply because you enjoy it. Now is not the time to worry about the end result, or if what you’re creating would be good enough for others to experience. It’s simply about creating with Him. He values your love for doing this thing and being with Him.
Envision an angel flying over you. He puts a paintbrush in your hand as you begin to paint a landscape. As you paint, the strokes give the landscape structure and meaning; and you are creating something in the spirit. You are breathing life, and casting vision for this new place to exist. You are creating something tangible in your creativity that is prophetic in nature. You’re creating a space for something to live in. It’s as if desire and dreams are joining together. What you like to do and what you’ve dreamed of - God wants to breathe on and bring that to life. It’s not complicated. If you enjoy doing it, just go for it!
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life. We invite you to partner with what God is doing, and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
- Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.
- I have more faith in God’s promises than in my circumstances.
- God is orchestrating divine moments for my destiny.
- God is a good Father & He wants to bless me!
- I partner with God when I create.
Wear one of the limited edition June necklaces as a statement that you believe God's promises for this month. Remind yourself of the invitation to live in the fulness, and experience God's joy while you co-create wit Him with the long 5-charm necklace. The short, reversible Tema necklace features the word "faith" on one side, and "create" on the other. Click on the images below for more information.